1Click Uninstaller

1Click Uninstaller download for free to PC or mobile

1Click Uninstaller is your go-to solution for quickly and safely removing unwanted programs from your computer. Unlike the standard uninstall process, which can be cumbersome and problematic, 1Click Uninstaller simplifies the task with just a single click. This intuitive software displays a list of recently installed programs, making it easy to identify and uninstall applications you no longer need. Perfect for users who struggle to find the exact program name, 1Click Uninstaller saves you time and effort. It even allows you to close any open process that the Task Manager can't handle. Streamline your computer maintenance and free up valuable space with 1Click Uninstaller. Say goodbye to unnecessary software and enjoy a cleaner, faster PC in just one click.
Apps & Games / 1Click Uninstaller download for free to PC or mobile
07 Jun 2024
1Click Uninstaller
1.1 MB
free of charge
1010 reviews
The content of games with a PEGI 3 rating is considered suitable for all age groups. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to frighten young children. A very mild form of violence (in a comical context or a childlike setting) is acceptable. No bad language should be heard.

Equivalent to E (low end) and EC (which is no longer used). 435 titles were rated PEGI 3 in 2020.
1.1 MB

1Click Uninstaller Features

1Click Uninstaller is the ultimate solution to easily and quickly uninstall unwanted apps and programs from your device. With just one click, you can free up valuable storage space, improve performance, and declutter your system. Say goodbye to tedious manual uninstallations and let 1Click Uninstaller streamline the process for you. Enjoy a cleaner, faster, and more efficient device with this user-friendly and intuitive app.

Quick Uninstall

Easily uninstall multiple apps with just one click, saving you time and effort.

Batch Uninstall

Uninstall several apps at once, freeing up space on your device efficiently.

Unused App Detector

Identify and uninstall apps that you rarely use to optimize your device's performance.

Backup and Restore

Create backups of your apps before uninstalling and restore them when needed.

System Apps Manager

View and manage system apps that are usually not visible for uninstallation.

Clear Cache

Remove cache files from apps to free up storage space and improve device performance.

1Click Uninstaller overview


Discover the ultimate solution for effortless software removal with this application. The freeware version, developed by Softeza Development, ensures a seamless experience. With a user-friendly interface, it simplifies the uninstallation process, saving you time and effort. Visit http://www.softeza.com to learn more about this indispensable tool for maintaining your PC's performance.


Effortlessly manage your software with this intuitive application. Access recent programs like Google Chrome, FileZilla Client, and Skype with ease. Utilize features such as Kill Process and 1Click Uninstaller to streamline your workflow. The application ensures efficient handling of tasks, making it an essential tool for optimizing your system's performance and maintaining productivity.


Effortlessly manage your software with this application. Access all programs, recent programs, and kill processes with ease. The application offers options to check for updates, visit the website, send messages, and learn more about the software. Simplify uninstallation tasks with the 1Click Uninstaller feature, ensuring a streamlined experience. Exit the application anytime with a single click.


Optimize your PC experience with our application, designed for seamless software management. Easily hide Microsoft products to streamline your view and focus on essential programs. Additionally, choose to display programs with the NoRemove flag for complete control over your system. Simplify your uninstallation process and enhance your productivity with this intuitive tool.

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