AVCataloger is your ultimate tool for organizing and managing your audiovisual collection. Easily catalog and track all your movies, music, and TV shows with customizable categories and tags. Keep track of loaned items, create playlists, and discover new content with personalized recommendations. Stay organized and never lose track of your favorite media again with AVCataloger.
Easily search and catalog all your audiovisual content in one place, making it simple to find and access your media files.
Create custom tags and labels to organize and categorize your media files according to your preferences and needs.
Edit and manage metadata information for your media files, ensuring accurate and detailed information for each item.
Easily create and manage playlists of your favorite media files, allowing you to enjoy curated content collections.
Share your media files with others through various sharing options, including social media platforms and email.
Backup your media library and easily restore it in case of data loss or device migration, ensuring your files are always safe.
The download has already started!
No more searching for where to download the latest version or update. All files are checked by antiviruses. And it's completely free ;)
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