BitHidraulyco Antivirus is your ultimate shield against cyber threats. With real-time protection, it keeps your devices safe from viruses, malware, and ransomware. Its advanced scanning technology detects and removes any suspicious files, ensuring your data stays secure. The user-friendly interface makes it easy to customize scans and schedule updates. Stay protected with BitHidraulyco Antivirus and browse the web worry-free.
Constantly monitors your device for any malicious activity and provides real-time protection against viruses, malware, and other threats.
Allows you to schedule regular scans of your device to ensure that it is free from any potential threats and vulnerabilities.
Manages and isolates suspicious files detected during scans to prevent them from causing harm to your system.
Automatically updates virus definitions and software to ensure that your device is protected against the latest threats.
Blocks malicious websites and online threats to keep your browsing experience safe and secure.
Encrypts sensitive files and data to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the privacy and security of your information.
Update: 06 Jun 2024
The CCI has found no abuse of dominant position by Microsoft in including Defender Antivirus as default in Windows. Users can freely choose third-party software, ensuring no violation of competition laws.