Marquette University Upgrades to Windows 11 Ahead of 2025 Deadline

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15 Jul 2024

IT Services at Marquette University is currently in the process of transitioning all university computers to Windows 11, the latest operating system from Microsoft. This move comes as Windows 10 will no longer be supported after October 2025.

Key Features

Windows 11 brings a host of new features, including a centered start menu for easy access to apps and files, snap layouts for improved multitasking, and seamless integration with Microsoft Teams.

General Pool Classrooms

All general pool classrooms on campus have already been upgraded to Windows 11.

New Computers

Beginning July 8, all new computers provided by IT Services will come pre-installed with Windows 11.


IT Services ensures that all software and services supported by the university are thoroughly tested for compatibility with Windows 11. A comprehensive list of compatible software can be found on the Software at Marquette—Faculty & Staff page.

Campus Updates

Computers across campus that are compatible with Windows 11 will be updated soon, while incompatible CRP computers will be replaced with new systems running Windows 11.

Note: Users are reminded that any software or service not listed on the TechSquad Portal’s Software at Marquette—Faculty & Staff page is the responsibility of the respective user, department, or college. For more information on Windows 11, visit Microsoft’s Meet Windows 11 and Windows 11 overview pages. Updates on the transition process, scheduling upgrades, and next steps will be communicated through Marquette Today by IT Services.

How to change font size in sticky notes windows 11?

To change the font size in Sticky Notes on Windows 11, follow these steps: 1. Open the Sticky Notes app. 2. Type your note and then highlight the text you want to change. 3. Right-click on the highlighted text and select the 'Font' option from the context menu. 4. Choose your desired font size from the list. If you don't see the font option, you may need to adjust your system's font settings or use an alternate method, such as copying formatted text from another application.

How to use step recorder windows 11?

To use the Step Recorder in Windows 11, follow these steps: 1. Press the Windows key and type 'Step Recorder' in the search box, then press Enter. 2. Click 'Start Record' to begin recording your steps. 3. Perform the tasks you want to record; each click and keystroke will be documented. 4. Click 'Stop Record' once done. 5. A preview of the recorded steps will appear. You can save this recording as a ZIP file and share it for troubleshooting or documentation purposes.
Update: 15 Jul 2024
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