New Levels II Game Enhances Strategy with Predictable Card Mechanics

Apps & Games / HDD Low Level Format Tool / News HDD Low Level Format Tool for all platforms / New Levels II Game Enhances Strategy with Predictable Card Mechanics
20 Aug 2024

When it comes to merging games, the gameplay is always simple. That’s the entire appeal, and also the biggest hurdle. Because with simple gameplay that’s also accessible comes the challenge of making it interesting. You could almost say there are levels to this design, and the highest you can go is represented by Levels II.

As far as gameplay goes, Levels II is as minimalist as you can get. You’re presented with a simple grid and multicoloured cards with different numbers. Blue is you, yellow is treasure and red is enemies. To succeed you need to merge, gather treasure to increase your score and defeat your enemies.

Levels II purportedly evolves the previous game by polishing up the overall gameplay, including changing advancement by removing the random determination of each card. Now, when you eliminate a red card it’ll spawn a yellow card, representing a monster dropping treasure, and so on and so forth.

As you defeat monsters, more treasure is gathered and when you loot it attracts other adventurers which in turn attracts more and higher-level monsters, creating a race to gather as much loot as possible before you’re overwhelmed.

Elegant and Exciting

We haven’t yet had the chance to go hands-on with Levels II, however, I think it definitely looks interesting. It’s made by a Japanese indie developer, and the game itself boasts numerous quality-of-life features like haptics, dark mode, the option to dim panels you can’t move and more. All of these points point to a deceptively simple but quite engaging game.

You can give Levels II a go now on either Google Play or the iOS App Store!

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Update: 20 Aug 2024
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