Minecraft Update Links Space Exploration to Chicken Sacrifices

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23 Jun 2024

Minecraft players are in for an exhilarating experience that promises to last for quite some time. The latest buzz in the Minecraft community revolves around a unique method of space exploration, and it involves an unusual yet intriguing element—chickens. Yes, you read that right. To embark on this cosmic journey, players will need a considerable number of chickens to sacrifice. While this might not sit well with vegans, it’s a creative twist that has captured the imagination of many.

Launching into Space with Chickens

The process might sound complicated at first, but a clip shared by a user named Cleinden on Reddit simplifies it remarkably. Players need to craft a Splash Potion of Wind charge and connect a piston under chickens linked to redstones. Once everything is set up, lighting it up sends players soaring into space. For a moment, it appears as though things have halted, but then space objects start flying past, making the experience feel incredibly real.

Another user, Phoenixfury12, who has tried this experiment himself, shared some ingredients to make it easier for fans. Meanwhile, Abe_Odd took a deep dive into explaining how the phenomenon works within the game. The hope is that some fans will reach the far end of Minecraft’s universe to witness a super cluster created by one player, Christopher Slayton.

A Lot of Things Are to be Explored in Tricky Trials

With the new Tricky Trials update, players can see outer space just moments after launch. While Starfield is entirely focused on space exploration, some would argue that this Minecraft method offers far more fun, even if it’s just for a while. The update has introduced numerous features that players are still uncovering, and as they do, more entertaining clips are likely to surface online.

Players are busy exploring these new features and sharing the block marvels they create in the game. They are leveraging the new features to their fullest potential, giving us more reasons to look forward to whatever new creations emerge in the days to come. One of the standout features worth trying is the Trial Chambers, which serve as the grounds for the update’s title. There’s much more going on in these chambers that players should discover as they delve deeper into the game.

How are you planning your space adventure in Minecraft? We would love to hear about your experiences in the comments section below.

Update: 23 Jun 2024
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