Minecraft Enthusiast Finds Solace in Building Underground Sanctuary

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16 Jul 2024

Years ago, my friends and I embarked on a Minecraft journey, seeking adventure and camaraderie in this virtual world. While they built cities and raised livestock, I found solace in digging deep underground, creating what I affectionately call the Big Cube.

Unorthodox Playstyle

Unlike my friends who explored far and wide, I preferred the solitude of my underground sanctuary. Surrounded by stone and darkness, I felt at peace as I carved out tunnels and chambers, filling them with villagers and other creations. Some may question my unorthodox playstyle, but for me, it’s a form of therapy. In the quiet depths of Minecraft, I find solace and escape from the challenges of the real world. Each block I mine and place is a step towards inner peace.

Dedication to the Big Cube

While my friends have moved on to new games, I remain dedicated to my underground haven. It may not be the most visually stunning creation, but to me, it’s a symbol of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. So, as others venture across vast landscapes and conquer towering mountains, I will continue to dig, creating my own little slice of paradise in the form of the Big Cube.

How to install Minecraft server on Raspberry Pi 4?

To install a Minecraft server on a Raspberry Pi 4, follow these steps: 1. Update your system: `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade`. 2. Install Java: `sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk`. 3. Create a new directory for the server: `mkdir ~/minecraft_server`. 4. Download the Minecraft server: `wget https://launcher.mojang.com/v1/objects//server.jar`. 5. Accept the EULA: `echo 'eula=true' > eula.txt`.

How to run a Minecraft server on a Raspberry Pi 4?

To run a Minecraft server on a Raspberry Pi 4, navigate to the server directory: `cd ~/minecraft_server`. Run the server using: `java -Xms1G -Xmx2G -jar server.jar nogui`. Adjust the `-Xms` and `-Xmx` values based on available memory. Ensure your router is configured to forward port 25565 to your Raspberry Pi's IP address. You may also use tools like `screen` to keep the server running in the background. Regularly back up your server files to prevent data loss.
Update: 16 Jul 2024
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