
Listary download for free to PC or mobile

Listary is a lightweight application that transforms your Windows search experience. Once installed, a convenient search bar appears on every window, allowing you to quickly find any term across your system. This intuitive tool enhances productivity by streamlining the search process. You can easily enable or disable the search bar using the 'Ctrl + W' shortcut. Whether you're a power user or just looking to make your daily tasks more efficient, Listary is the perfect addition to your Windows toolkit. Experience a smarter, faster way to search with Listary.
Apps & Games / Listary download for free to PC or mobile
09 Jun 2024
6.4 MB
free of charge
960 reviews
The content of games with a PEGI 3 rating is considered suitable for all age groups. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to frighten young children. A very mild form of violence (in a comical context or a childlike setting) is acceptable. No bad language should be heard.

Equivalent to E (low end) and EC (which is no longer used). 435 titles were rated PEGI 3 in 2020.
6.4 MB

Listary Features

Listary is a powerful search utility that supercharges your file browsing experience. With its lightning-fast search capabilities, you can find files and folders instantly, saving you time and frustration. Its intuitive interface allows you to access your files with ease, making it a must-have tool for anyone who works with a large number of files. Listary also offers advanced features such as custom commands, quick access to recent files, and integration with popular file managers. Say goodbye to endless scrolling and searching - Listary puts everything you need right at your fingertips.

Quick File Search

Instantly find files and folders on your computer by typing keywords in the search bar. Supports fuzzy matching and filters for efficient results.

Clipboard History

Keep track of your copied texts and images with a comprehensive clipboard history feature. Easily access and paste previous items.

Custom Commands

Create personalized commands to quickly access specific files, folders, or applications. Enhance productivity with custom shortcuts.

Folder Favorites

Bookmark frequently used folders for quick access. Organize your favorite directories for easy navigation within the application.

Web Search Integration

Search the web directly from Listary using your preferred search engine. Save time by accessing online information without leaving the application.

Context Menu Actions

Perform various actions on files and folders using the context menu within Listary. Copy, move, delete, or open items with ease.

Listary overview


Enhance your productivity with this versatile application. Customize window positions, adjust opacity, and fine-tune display settings to fit your workflow. Set hotkeys for quick access and manage your favorite and recent items effortlessly. Upgrade to the Pro version for additional features. Check for updates to keep your application running smoothly. Tailor your user experience with ease and efficiency.


Experience seamless navigation with our application, featuring customizable hotkeys for quick access to your favorite, recent, and smart menus. Set global shortcuts like Win + W for the toolbar or local keys such as F1, F2, and F3 for specific menus. Upgrade to Pro for enhanced features and enjoy a user-friendly interface with easy updates. Perfect for boosting productivity and efficiency.


Enhance your productivity with this versatile application, offering seamless access to your favorite programs and recent files. Easily add or remove applications, folders, and files with a user-friendly interface. Customize hotkeys, track recent items, and enjoy the convenience of a dedicated toolbar. Upgrade for even more features and streamline your workflow effortlessly.


Enhance your file management experience with our application, offering seamless navigation and quick access to your documents. Effortlessly open folders, copy paths to the clipboard, and move files with ease. The context menu provides additional options like pinning to start, searching everything, and integrating with popular tools such as Adobe Bridge CS6 and 7-Zip. Simplify your workflow and boost productivity with this intuitive and efficient application.


Enhance your productivity with our application, designed to streamline file management and navigation. Easily access and organize your projects with a user-friendly interface. The application supports a variety of file types and directories, ensuring efficient workflow. Enjoy quick search functionality, allowing you to find files like table.h effortlessly. Ideal for developers and project managers.


Experience seamless file management with our application. Navigate through directories effortlessly, from Libraries to System (C:), and access folders like Documents, Music, and Pictures with ease. The application supports quick searches and displays detailed file information, including names, modification dates, and types. Enhance your productivity with intuitive project management features and efficient file handling capabilities.


Effortlessly manage your downloads with this application, featuring a user-friendly interface that organizes files by name, date modified, and type. Quickly locate and execute files such as Git-, Firefox Setup 19.0.exe, and AdobeDownloadAssistant.exe. Enjoy seamless navigation through folders like Desktop, Documents, and Music, ensuring efficient access to your essential data.

Listary FAQ

Listary is a search utility software designed to enhance file browsing and searching on Windows operating systems. It integrates seamlessly with various file managers and Windows Explorer, providing fast and intuitive search capabilities. Listary allows users to quickly find files and folders by typing a few keywords, and it supports advanced search operators and filters. It also offers features like quick access to recent and favorite files, app launching, and integration with third-party tools.

To use Listary, follow these steps: 1. Download and install Listary from the official website. 2. Once installed, Listary will run in the background. You can access it by simply typing the search keywords from within any file explorer window. 3. Use the search box that appears to find files and folders quickly. 4. Customize settings and preferences through the Listary options menu to enhance your search experience. 5. Utilize keyboard shortcuts and context menu options for added functionality. Listary can also be integrated with various file managers and third-party tools for improved productivity.

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