Movies by CraigWorks

Movies by CraigWorks download for free to PC or mobile

Movies by CraigWorks is your ultimate destination for movie enthusiasts! This user-friendly application offers a comprehensive platform to explore, review, and manage your favorite films. With an extensive database, you can easily search for movies, read detailed descriptions, and watch trailers. The app also allows you to create personalized watchlists, rate films, and share your opinions with a vibrant community of fellow movie lovers. Whether you're looking for the latest blockbusters or timeless classics, Movies by CraigWorks has got you covered. Enjoy a seamless and engaging experience as you dive into the world of cinema.
Apps & Games / Movies by CraigWorks download for free to PC or mobile
08 Jun 2024
Movies by CraigWorks
85.9 MB
free of charge
Movies by CraigWorks
605 reviews
The content of games with a PEGI 3 rating is considered suitable for all age groups. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to frighten young children. A very mild form of violence (in a comical context or a childlike setting) is acceptable. No bad language should be heard.

Equivalent to E (low end) and EC (which is no longer used). 435 titles were rated PEGI 3 in 2020.
85.9 MB

Movies by CraigWorks Features

Movies by CraigWorks is the ultimate movie lover's companion. With a sleek and intuitive interface, you can easily browse through thousands of movies, create your own personalized watchlist, and track your viewing history. The app also offers detailed information on each film, including cast, crew, and ratings. With its powerful search function, you can quickly find the perfect movie for any occasion. Whether you're a casual viewer or a hardcore cinephile, Movies by CraigWorks has everything you need to enhance your movie-watching experience.

Movie Database

Access a vast database of movies to search for information, ratings, reviews, and more.


Create a personalized watchlist to keep track of movies you want to watch or have watched.


Receive personalized movie recommendations based on your viewing history and preferences.


Read and write reviews for movies to share your thoughts and opinions with other users.


Watch trailers for upcoming movies to get a sneak peek before they hit theaters.


Easily search for specific movies, actors, directors, or genres to find what you're looking for.

Movies by CraigWorks overview

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