MP3 Rename is the ultimate tool for organizing your music library with ease. Quickly and efficiently rename all your MP3 files based on artist, album, track number, and more. Say goodbye to messy file names and hello to a perfectly organized collection. With a user-friendly interface and customizable options, MP3 Rename is the must-have app for any music lover. Streamline your music library management today!
Easily rename multiple MP3 files at once with customizable naming patterns.
Automatically fetch and update MP3 tags such as artist, album, and track information.
Organize your MP3 files into folders based on tags, genres, or other criteria.
Preview the changes before renaming to ensure accuracy and avoid mistakes.
Easily undo any renaming operation in case of errors or unwanted changes.
Create and save custom naming patterns for renaming MP3 files according to your preferences.
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Update: 11 Feb 2025