MSN Answering Machine is the ultimate tool for managing your MSN Messenger conversations. With features like auto-reply, customizable messages, and message scheduling, you can easily stay connected with friends and family even when you're away from your computer. Never miss a message again with this handy app that takes the stress out of keeping up with your chats. Download MSN Answering Machine now and take control of your messaging experience!
Set personalized greetings for different contacts to make your answering machine more personal and engaging.
Automatically transcribe voicemails into text for easy reading and quick response.
Screen incoming calls and choose which ones to answer or send to voicemail based on your preferences.
Forward important messages to another contact or email address with just a few taps.
Set your answering machine to Do Not Disturb mode to silence all calls and notifications during specific times.
Create separate mailboxes for different purposes or contacts to keep your messages organized.
Update: 08 Jun 2024