Microsoft Adds Spellcheck, Autocorrect to Notepad in Windows 11 Update

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10 Jul 2024

Notepad has been a staple on Windows for four decades, yet some of its most popular features are only now making their debut with Windows 11. In a welcome update for Notepad users, Microsoft has introduced spellcheck and autocorrect functionalities to the Notepad app in Windows 11. This comes 40 years after the text editor was first launched in Windows in 1983. The tech giant began testing these features in March, and according to multiple reports, they have now quietly started rolling out for Windows 11 users.

New Features for Enhanced Usability

The spellcheck feature in Notepad for Windows 11 operates similarly to how Word or Microsoft Edge highlight misspelled words, using a red underline to indicate errors. Users have the flexibility to enable or disable spellcheck on a file type basis, offering a tailored experience depending on their needs.

Microsoft has been steadily enhancing its Notepad app for Windows 11 with a slew of new features. Among these is the character count feature, which was added in December last year. This feature mirrors the functionality found in Microsoft Word, displaying the number of characters at the bottom of the screen. When text is selected, the status bar shows the character count for both the selected text and the entire document.

Another noteworthy addition is the autosave feature, which eliminates the need for the pop-up save prompt when closing the app. This streamlines the user experience and ensures that work is not lost accidentally.

Additional Enhancements

  • Dark Mode: Notepad now supports dark mode, providing a visually comfortable option for users who prefer working in low-light environments.
  • Tabs: The introduction of tabs allows users to work on multiple documents within a single window, improving productivity and organization.
  • Copilot Integration: This feature integrates with Microsoft's Copilot, offering advanced assistance and suggestions as users type.
  • Virtual Fidget Spinner: For those moments when users need a brief mental break, Notepad now includes a virtual fidget spinner.

These updates mark a significant evolution for Notepad, transforming it from a simple text editor into a more versatile and user-friendly tool. As Microsoft continues to innovate and improve its software offerings, Notepad users can look forward to an enhanced and more efficient writing experience on Windows 11.

How to link web pages in html notepad?

To link web pages in HTML using Notepad, you need to use the anchor (``) tag. First, open Notepad and start your HTML document with the basic structure (``, ``, ``, ``, and `<body>`). Inside the `<body>`, use the anchor tag with the `href` attribute to link another page: `<a href="URL">Link Text</a>`. Replace "URL" with the actual link and "Link Text" with the text that will appear as the link.</div> </div> </div> <div itemscope itemprop="mainEntity" itemtype=""> <h2 itemprop="name">How to open html web page in notepad?</h2> <div itemscope itemprop="acceptedAnswer" itemtype=""> <div itemprop="text">To open an HTML web page in Notepad, first make sure the file extension is `.html` or `.htm`. Right-click the HTML file, select "Open with" from the context menu, and then choose Notepad. Alternatively, you can open Notepad first, then go to `File` > `Open`, navigate to the folder where the HTML file is located, select "All Files" from the file type dropdown, and then select your HTML file to open it.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row" style="margin-top: 30px;"> <div class="col-6"> <small class="text-muted">Update: 10 Jul 2024</small> </div> <div class="col-6"> <style> .my-icon li a { margin-right: 8px; } .my-icon li a i { font-size: 30px; } .my-icon li a svg { width: 30px; height: 30px; fill: #8492a6; } </style> <ul class="list-unstyled my-icon" style="text-align: end;"> <li class="list-inline-item lh-1"><a href="" class="rounded"> <svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="100" height="100" viewBox="0 0 50 50"> <path d="M25,3C12.85,3,3,12.85,3,25c0,11.03,8.125,20.137,18.712,21.728V30.831h-5.443v-5.783h5.443v-3.848 c0-6.371,3.104-9.168,8.399-9.168c2.536,0,3.877,0.188,4.512,0.274v5.048h-3.612c-2.248,0-3.033,2.131-3.033,4.533v3.161h6.588 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