Antivirus Software Crucial for Comprehensive Online Security

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09 Jul 2024

Yes, you absolutely need an antivirus solution in 2024, especially if you’re using Windows or Android since they’re more vulnerable to malware attacks. iPhone and Mac users may not, especially if they adhere to best practices and Apple’s security measures and don’t attempt to override them. That said, an extra layer of protection is always recommended, regardless.

Do You Need Antivirus for Windows 10 and 11?

Yes, you need an antivirus if you’re using Windows 10 or 11. Sure, Windows comes with its own suite of security functions bundled into an antivirus called the Windows Defender. You get various scanning options, such as Quick scan, Full scan, or Customized scan. Plus, there’s domain, private, and public firewall protection that blocks suspicious websites.

Windows Defender has also been doing well in independent tests. The latest AV-Test reports it got a perfect score of 18 — scoring 6/6 on all three parameters – protection, performance, and usability. This shows that it does a good job as a first line of defense. But is Windows Defender enough?

Is Windows Defender Good Enough? A Recap

Windows Defender doesn’t provide enough protection beyond basic needs. This is why many are looking to use an alternative and turn Windows Defender off. Modern methods of cyberattacks have become more sophisticated, and Defender hasn’t kept up with these advancements. For example, it lacks:

  • A dark web monitor, so you won’t know if your details have been leaked
  • A robust ad blocker
  • Real-time phishing protection
  • Ransomware protection is turned off by default

Another factor in Windows security is the widespread use of the Windows Operating System. As of June 2024, around 72% of all desktop Operating Systems are Windows. This naturally makes Windows a target for hackers. Apart from the 90 vulnerabilities patched in the recent update, Windows has over 600 security gaps, 357 of these related to Windows 10.

Is Antivirus Necessary for Mac?

Similarly, 21 new Malware families have been detected in the same year – a 50% increase from 2022. Today, around 24% of businesses use Mac, and with this increasing adoption rate, macOS malware is also on the rise. However, Apple is known for its ironclad security architecture, which makes its products more secure than Windows or Android devices.

Mac’s security features make it almost impossible for malware to get into your system. For starters, Mac’s Gatekeeper will block all apps from developers that have not been approved. Bypassing this setting and installing an unverified app is an option, but puts you at risk, more so as the Gatekeeper not only scans apps on installation but every time you open them. XProtect is Apple’s built-in AV solution. It runs in the background like any Mac antivirus and detects and removes known malware. However, it’s not as effective against zero-day threats. In addition, there’s something called sandboxing, which ensures that each Mac app can only access its own resources and not modify other programs. This means that even if malware is on your Mac system, it’ll be very difficult for it to spread and corrupt other parts of your device. Overall, while Mac is safer than Windows, we still highly recommend using a reputable antivirus for your Mac.

Do I Need Antivirus for Chromebook?

Chromebook holds just 1.94% market share, compared to 72.91% for Windows. While Chromebooks are designed with security in mind and have several built-in protections such as automatic updates and sandboxing, they are not entirely immune to threats. Given their lower market share, they are less targeted by malware creators but still require vigilance and potentially additional security measures.

Does macOS need antivirus software?

While macOS is known for its strong security features and is less targeted by malware compared to Windows, it is not immune to threats. The built-in security tools in macOS, such as XProtect, provide some level of protection, but they are not foolproof. Therefore, using additional antivirus software can add an extra layer of security to protect against malware, ransomware, and other threats.

Do Chromebooks have antivirus software?

Chromebooks run on Chrome OS, which is designed with multiple layers of security, including automatic updates, sandboxing, and verified boot, making them less vulnerable to viruses. While Chromebooks do not have traditional antivirus software, their inherent security features are generally sufficient to protect against most threats. Additionally, Google continuously updates Chrome OS to address new vulnerabilities.
Update: 09 Jul 2024
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