
VeraCrypt download for free to PC or mobile

VeraCrypt is a powerful, open-source encryption software designed to secure your data with advanced encryption algorithms. It offers robust protection for your sensitive files, ensuring that unauthorized users cannot access your information. VeraCrypt supports full disk encryption, as well as the creation of encrypted virtual disks and hidden volumes for added security. The application is compatible with multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it a versatile choice for users across different platforms. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive documentation, VeraCrypt is suitable for both beginners and advanced users. Whether you need to protect personal data or secure corporate information, VeraCrypt provides a reliable and efficient solution to keep your data safe from prying eyes. Download VeraCrypt today and take the first step towards enhanced digital security.
Apps & Games / VeraCrypt download for free to PC or mobile
07 Jun 2024
33.6 MB
free of charge
976 reviews
The content of games with a PEGI 3 rating is considered suitable for all age groups. The game should not contain any sounds or pictures that are likely to frighten young children. A very mild form of violence (in a comical context or a childlike setting) is acceptable. No bad language should be heard.

Equivalent to E (low end) and EC (which is no longer used). 435 titles were rated PEGI 3 in 2020.
33.6 MB

VeraCrypt Features

VeraCrypt is a powerful encryption software that ensures your sensitive data remains secure. With its user-friendly interface, you can easily create encrypted containers, encrypt entire drives, and even hide data within other files. VeraCrypt supports various encryption algorithms, including AES, Serpent, and Twofish, providing you with multiple layers of protection. Whether you're a tech-savvy individual or a beginner, VeraCrypt offers robust security solutions to keep your information safe from prying eyes.

Volume Creation

Create encrypted volumes to store sensitive data securely on your computer.

File Encryption

Encrypt individual files or folders to protect them from unauthorized access.

Hidden Volumes

Create hidden volumes within other volumes to provide an extra layer of security.

System Encryption

Encrypt your entire operating system to safeguard your data and privacy.

Portable Mode

Use VeraCrypt on-the-go by running it directly from a USB drive or other portable storage device.

Multi-platform Support

Enjoy cross-platform compatibility with VeraCrypt available on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

VeraCrypt overview


Enhance your data security with our advanced application. Generate keyfiles effortlessly by moving your mouse randomly to increase cryptographic strength. Choose from various mixing PRFs like SHA-512, customize keyfile size, and generate multiple keyfiles with ease. Ensure top-notch encryption with our user-friendly interface, designed to collect randomness from mouse movements, providing unparalleled security for your sensitive data.


Experience enhanced data security with our application. Effortlessly create, mount, and manage encrypted volumes. Navigate through intuitive menus like Volumes, System, Favorites, Tools, Settings, and Help. Utilize features such as Create Volume, Wipe Cache, and Auto-Mount Devices. Ensure privacy with options like Never save history. Select files or devices seamlessly for encryption. Secure your data with ease.


Effortlessly manage your disk partitions with our application. It allows you to select from various devices and partitions, including Harddisk 0 with 232 GiB and Harddisk 1 with 1.8 TiB. Navigate through volumes and partitions with ease, ensuring efficient data organization. The intuitive interface provides options to mount, auto-mount, and dismount devices, streamlining your workflow.


Enhance your data security with our application, offering robust encryption for your files. Easily create, mount, and manage encrypted volumes. Features include password entry, PKCS-5 PRF autodetection, TrueCrypt mode, and options for using PIM, keyfiles, and displaying passwords. Enjoy seamless integration with auto-mount devices and never save history for added privacy. Perfect for safeguarding sensitive information.


This application offers robust options for mounting volumes, including read-only and removable medium modes. It supports backup headers and system encryption without pre-boot authentication. Users can create virtual devices without mounting to a drive letter. Hidden volume protection ensures data safety, with features like password entry, PIM usage, and keyfiles. Ideal for secure data management.


Optimize your encryption performance with this application, featuring an intuitive interface for benchmarking encryption algorithms. Customize buffer size up to 50 MiB and sort results by mean speed. Utilize 8 threads for parallelization and hardware-accelerated AES for enhanced speed. Ideal for evaluating encryption and decryption speeds, ensuring your data remains secure and efficiently processed.


Experience robust data protection with this application, featuring advanced AES encryption and XTS mode for enhanced security. Customize your encryption with adjustable key sizes and block numbers. Effortlessly manage plaintext and ciphertext in hexadecimal format. Simplify your encryption tasks with intuitive buttons for Encrypt, Decrypt, Auto-Test All, Reset, and Close. Secure your data with confidence using this powerful application.


Experience enhanced data security with this application. Effortlessly create and manage encrypted volumes, ensuring your sensitive information remains protected. The user-friendly interface allows you to mount, dismount, and auto-mount devices with ease. Customize your encryption algorithms and manage volume properties efficiently. Never save history for added privacy. Secure your data with this powerful and intuitive application.

VeraCrypt FAQ

To encrypt with VeraCrypt, follow these steps: 1. Download and install VeraCrypt from the official website. 2. Open VeraCrypt and click 'Create Volume'. 3. Select 'Create an encrypted file container' or 'Encrypt a non-system partition/drive'. 4. Choose your encryption settings and file location. 5. Set a strong password. 6. Format the volume based on the selected encryption. 7. Mount the volume using VeraCrypt to start using it. Always unmount after use to keep it secure.

VeraCrypt supports a variety of encryption algorithms, including AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), Serpent, Twofish, and their combinations like AES-Twofish, AES-Twofish-Serpent. The software uses XTS mode to achieve high-level security and data protection. Additionally, VeraCrypt implements PBKDF2 (Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2) and its own optimizations to make brute-force attacks significantly more difficult.

To use VeraCrypt on a USB drive, perform the following: 1. Install VeraCrypt on your system from the official website. 2. Plug in your USB drive. 3. Open VeraCrypt and click 'Create Volume'. 4. Select 'Encrypt a non-system partition/drive' and choose your USB drive. 5. Set the encryption options and a strong password. 6. Format the USB drive to create the encrypted volume. 7. Mount the encrypted USB drive in VeraCrypt for access and unmount it when finished.

To encrypt a flash drive using VeraCrypt: 1. Download and install VeraCrypt from the official site. 2. Insert your flash drive. 3. Open VeraCrypt and click 'Create Volume'. 4. Choose 'Encrypt a non-system partition/drive' and select your flash drive. 5. Set encryption options and create a strong password. 6. Format the flash drive to apply encryption. 7. Mount the encrypted volume in VeraCrypt to access your files and remember to unmount when done.

To VeraCrypt a USB drive: 1. Install VeraCrypt from the official website. 2. Insert your USB drive. 3. Launch VeraCrypt and click 'Create Volume'. 4. Choose 'Encrypt a non-system partition/drive' and select your USB drive. 5. Set your encryption preferences and create a complex password. 6. Format the USB to apply encryption. 7. Once encrypted, mount the USB drive in VeraCrypt to use it and unmount when no longer needed to ensure security.

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