Weather App Update Brings New Features and Ads to Windows 11

Apps & Games / Weather Watcher / Desktop / Windows / News Weather Watcher for Desktop Windows / Weather App Update Brings New Features and Ads to Windows 11
01 Jul 2024

Microsoft has rolled out a significant update for the Weather app on Windows 11, bringing a mix of new features and a fresh look to several components. However, one of the most noticeable changes is the increased presence of advertisements within the app. This move aligns with Microsoft's broader strategy to better monetize its PC operating system and the apps that come pre-installed with Windows.

New Features and Design Changes

The latest version of the Weather app introduces several updates:

  • More Ads: The app now includes additional advertisements, particularly in the "Monthly" view on the home page.
  • Fluent Design Integration: The top bar of the app now fits better with Microsoft's Fluent Design language, offering a more cohesive visual experience.
  • Temperature Selector: The temperature selector now includes a theme setting section, allowing users to customize the app's appearance.
  • Navigation Controls: New navigation controls have been added to the right side of the app for easier access.
  • Weather Background: The app now deemphasizes the weather background compared to previous versions, focusing more on functional elements.
  • Weather Detail Cards: Weather detail cards have replaced weather insights, providing a more streamlined way to view weather information.
  • Sun Cycle: While the moon cycle has been removed, the sun cycle remains a feature in the app.
  • Map Controls: The map within the app has received new controls for better usability.
  • Weather Trends: A new weather trends feature shows an overview of weather patterns in your area.

The update is already live for general users and can be downloaded through the Microsoft Store.

User Reactions

The reaction to these changes has been mixed. While some users appreciate the new features and design improvements, many are less enthusiastic about the increased number of ads. Complaints about advertisements in Microsoft's Weather app are not new, but it seems that Microsoft is doubling down on this approach rather than scaling back.

The tech giant's broader strategy appears to be focused on integrating more ads across Windows 11. Plans are in place to introduce a Game Pass ad within the Settings app and additional ads in the Start menu. This has sparked controversy among users who feel that their experience is being compromised by the influx of ads.

An entire thread on X (formerly Twitter) by ChangeWindows breaks down these changes, often with a sarcastic tone. Despite the sarcasm, some useful changes are highlighted, such as the improved navigation controls and the new weather trends feature.

As Microsoft continues to refine its approach to monetizing its operating system and apps, it remains to be seen how users will adapt to these changes. For now, it seems that advertisements are here to stay in the Weather app on Windows 11.

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Update: 01 Jul 2024
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