Optimize Windows Defender for Better Gaming Performance on Windows 11

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30 Aug 2024

Microsoft Windows Defender serves as the default security feature for every Windows 11 PC, tirelessly working in the background to shield users from viruses, malware, and hazardous websites. While this application is undoubtedly beneficial for maintaining system security, it can pose challenges for gamers, as it often consumes CPU and disk resources that are crucial for an optimal gaming experience. Unbeknownst to many, this resource consumption can lead to slower load times, detracting from the immersive experience that gamers seek.

How to Neutralize Windows Defender

Windows Defender is programmed to run scheduled tasks that can unexpectedly sap CPU and disk resources. These tasks include virus definition updates and file hashing processes that search for malware. While one might consider disabling Defender entirely to alleviate this issue, such a move would require reactivation post-gaming, leaving the system vulnerable to security threats.

A more effective approach involves customizing the task scheduling so that security tasks execute only when the computer is idle, thereby preserving performance during gaming sessions. This adjustment can potentially prevent performance slowdowns ranging from 1% to 6% during gameplay. Here’s how to implement this solution:

  1. Type Task in the Search bar and select Task Scheduler from the results.
  2. Double-click on Task Scheduler Library, followed by Microsoft and then Windows.
  3. Scroll down and click on Windows Defender. This action will display the scheduled tasks in the center pane. If no tasks appear, it may be due to the use of a different antivirus program or not being logged into a Microsoft account.
  4. Double-click on each task individually, select Condition from the top menu, and check the box that states Start the task if the computer is idle. You may also set a specific period of idleness before a task initiates.

Tip: While in Task Scheduler, consider disabling or deleting any tasks found in the folders labeled Application Experience and Customer Experience and Improvement Program. These telemetry features are often unnecessary and can further consume disk space, negatively impacting gaming performance.

Update: 30 Aug 2024
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