Arcademy Expands Gaming Platform to Schools in Israel and the US

Apps & Games / Arcademy Expands Gaming Platform to Schools in Israel and the US
14 Jul 2024

Arcademy Launching in Schools Across Israel and the US

Arcademy, an Israeli startup focused on integrating gaming into school curriculums, is set to expand its reach to schools in Israel and the United States next year. This decision comes after a successful two-month trial program at nine schools in Petah Tikva, where both teachers and students gave positive feedback.

During the trial, students engaged actively in their lessons for two to four hours a week using the Arcademy platform. Teachers noted improvements in problem-solving, multitasking, and creativity skills among the students. One teacher described the platform as “super easy” to use and praised its ability to make learning interactive and immersive.

Founder and CEO of Arcademy, Alex Gold, expressed excitement about the upcoming launch in the US, emphasizing the company’s mission to revolutionize education through gaming. The initial rollout will target American Jewish schools before expanding to other educational institutions.

Minecraft Integration for Enhanced Learning

Arcademy’s user-friendly platform, which integrates seamlessly with the popular game Minecraft, was launched in September 2023. The platform equips teachers from kindergarten to 12th grade with the tools needed to leverage Minecraft Education for classroom instruction.

Previously, Minecraft Education was considered challenging for those unfamiliar with the game. However, Arcademy’s platform simplifies the interface, making it easier for educators to operate. Teachers can use the platform to plan lessons, monitor student engagement in real-time, and personalize the learning experience for each student.

In addition to enhancing the learning process, the platform provides valuable insights for educators to improve student performance. While initially focused on Minecraft, Arcademy’s platform is adaptable for integration with other games and can be used both in the classroom and remotely.

Gold, reflecting on the potential of gaming in education, believes that immersive experiences can lead to exceptional learning outcomes. Before Arcademy, he led a project at Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center, where children constructed a Minecraft replica of the museum complex.

Update: 14 Jul 2024