Dustborn by Red Thread Games Emphasizes Character Dialogue Over Combat

Apps & Games / Dustborn by Red Thread Games Emphasizes Character Dialogue Over Combat
27 Aug 2024

Talking Heads

In a refreshing departure from the norm, Dustborn places significant importance on negative space, dedicating a substantial portion of its gameplay to moments of introspection and dialogue among characters. Lengthy camping sequences punctuate the action, allowing players to engage with their crew in meaningful conversations about recent events. Even during high-stakes encounters, characters take a moment to pause and reflect on their feelings, eschewing the typical gruff action-hero archetype for a more nuanced portrayal of vulnerability and emotional depth.

These quiet interludes serve a dual purpose: they provide players with a chance to process the unfolding narrative while also enriching the character development. Each campsite or resting spot is meticulously crafted, often showcasing characters in new outfits and poses, engaging in their hobbies, and sharing their thoughts. Players can choose to wander and eavesdrop or sit down for one-on-one discussions, exploring the complexities of their relationships.

For instance, how does one approach the party’s heavy-hitting yet emotionally sensitive tank when she feels overshadowed by the expanding roster of allies? The game emphasizes the intricacies of human emotions, illustrating that there are no simple solutions to such dilemmas. While Dustborn features boss battles against robotic foes and intense confrontations with an alternate-history JFK’s jetpacking police force, it predominantly offers a cozy, intimate atmosphere that invites players to connect with the characters on a deeper level.

Moreover, these reflective moments are not merely decorative; they hold mechanical significance as well. Each character possesses distinct personality traits that can be influenced by players’ dialogue choices. The game highlights that these traits are not inherently good or bad; rather, they shape the narrative’s direction. The choices made during quieter moments can impact the options available during action sequences. For example, if a player’s dialogue encourages a pragmatic approach in the party engineer, they might opt to steal a truck when stranded on a highway. Conversely, nurturing their idealistic side could lead to a rejection of that plan, prompting a search for alternative solutions.

While the concept of character-driven conversations is not novel—having been popularized by titles like Mass Effect and Dragon Age—Dustborn takes it a step further. It utilizes these downtime moments to delve into self-analysis through the lens of its diverse and often conflicting ensemble of heroes. This approach is not easily replicated in other games, and the extended dialogues offer a level of depth that is challenging for other mediums to achieve. Ultimately, it is not the clunky combat that will propel players through to the end of Dustborn; rather, it is the rich character interactions and the meandering conversations that breathe life into the experience.

Update: 27 Aug 2024