New Infostealer Fickle Stealer Targets Sensitive Data via Telegram Bot

Apps & Games / New Infostealer Fickle Stealer Targets Sensitive Data via Telegram Bot
20 Jun 2024

Security professionals are raising the alarm about a new infostealer making its way through the internet. Known as Fickle Stealer, this malicious software is employing various methods to spread its reach.

How Fickle Stealer Operates

Fickle Stealer operates like typical infostealers, pilfering sensitive files, system data, browser-stored files, cryptocurrency wallet details, and more. However, what sets it apart is its foundation in Rust, a programming language known for its speed and safety.

The stolen data is then sent to a Telegram bot, allowing threat actors to access valuable information such as operating system versions, computer names, and usernames.

The Growing Threat of Infostealers

Infostealers, next to ransomware, are among the most prevalent and disruptive forms of malware in circulation. They enable cybercriminals to infiltrate critical services like banking accounts, social media profiles, and corporate networks. Moreover, with access to cryptocurrency wallets, hackers can siphon funds into their own accounts.

Furthermore, infostealers grant unauthorized access to email accounts, paving the way for phishing scams, identity theft, and even ransomware assaults on corporate IT systems.

Protective Measures

Protecting devices against infostealers involves the same precautions as guarding against other malware threats – refraining from downloading suspicious files and scrutinizing email attachments before opening them.

Source: TheHackerNews

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Update: 20 Jun 2024