AI Video-Generation Market in China Set for Rapid Growth by 2026

Apps & Games / AI Video-Generation Market in China Set for Rapid Growth by 2026
07 Aug 2024

The burgeoning artificial intelligence video-generation market in mainland China is poised for remarkable growth, with projections estimating its value to soar to 9.3 billion yuan by 2026, a staggering leap from a mere 8 million yuan in 2021. This data, provided by research firm LeadLeo, underscores the rapid evolution of AI technologies in the region, particularly in light of the restrictions placed on OpenAI’s products across mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

ByteDance’s Jimeng: A Glimpse into AI Video Generation

Among the key players in this expanding market is ByteDance’s Jimeng, which has begun to showcase its capabilities through various applications. Recent tests conducted by the Post revealed a mixed bag of results when it comes to the quality of videos generated by this AI service. For instance, a prompt requesting a video of a woman dressed in a striking ensemble—complete with a black bag, dark glasses, a black leather jacket, and a red dress—walking through a Tokyo street yielded a three-second clip. However, the execution left much to be desired, as the woman’s face appeared distorted while her movements were awkward, with her right foot failing to take a step forward.

In contrast, another test involving a more whimsical prompt for several giant woolly mammoths traversing a snowy meadow produced a seamless three-second video, demonstrating that Jimeng can indeed deliver coherent visual narratives under certain conditions.

As the landscape of AI video generation continues to evolve, the performance of platforms like Jimeng will be closely monitored, especially as they navigate the complexities of technological advancement amid regulatory challenges. The potential for innovation in this space remains vast, inviting both excitement and scrutiny from industry observers and consumers alike.

Update: 07 Aug 2024