New Game Combines Creature Collection, Farming Sim, Wetland Conservation

Apps & Games / New Game Combines Creature Collection, Farming Sim, Wetland Conservation
10 Jun 2024

Embracing the World of Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge

Kamaeru: A Frog Refuge is a delightful blend of farming sim elements and creature collection, creating a heartwarming story of conservation for amphibian enthusiasts. From the moment you hop into its watercolor world, the game offers a feeling of pure joy reminiscent of the excitement felt with creature collectors like Cat Collector Neko Atsume.

Creating a Frog Sanctuary

In Kamaeru, you have the opportunity to design a frog sanctuary while engaging in a cutesy farming sim that encourages the restoration of wetland biodiversity. Between digging ponds and farming crops, your harvests are used to create goods for sale, with profits reinvested into your sanctuary. This focus on benefiting the wetlands adds a fulfilling layer to the gameplay, making it more than just another farming sim. Watching life return to a natural habitat provides a unique sense of satisfaction often missing in other games of this genre.

After completing Kamaeru's simple tutorial, you're left to explore and manage your sanctuary. Unlike the limited space in mobile games like Neko Atsume, Kamaeru offers a surprising amount of ground to cover. However, this space can't be filled immediately. The game requires you to balance decoration and farming, encouraging a slow and steady approach. Initially frustrating, this pace becomes enjoyable as you place toys and attract frogs, allowing you to appreciate the game's rhythm.

The Joy of New Visitors

The excitement of new visitors is a key aspect of games like Kamaeru and Neko Atsume. Waiting for new frogs to appear offers a similar satisfaction to gacha mechanics, as you never know which variant or species you'll encounter. Certain furniture items attract specific frog species, but discovering these preferences is part of the fun, as the game provides few hints.

As you establish yourself and discover various frogs, you'll delve into the science of different species through a breeding mini-game. This feature adds variety to the core gameplay and helps complete the Frogdex, where you log all encountered species. This mini-game prevents Kamaeru from feeling repetitive and offers another way to spend time among the frogs.

A Story of Wetland Conservation

While the adorable amphibians are a major draw, the story of wetland conservation is what truly resonates in Kamaeru. The wetlands you're restoring are not just any location; they were one of your favorite childhood places, now abandoned. This emotional connection, paired with the excitement of attracting new frogs, motivates you to pour hours into the game.

This depth is what sets Kamaeru apart from simpler mobile games like Neko Atsume. With its rich narrative and varied gameplay, it's easy to lose yourself in the restoration process. When you're not waiting for frogs, you can switch back to farming, ensuring there's always something engaging to do. By the time you return, you're bound to have new amphibian visitors waiting for you.

Update: 10 Jun 2024