Film Studio Leaks "Major Grom: The Game" as Anti-Piracy Experiment

Apps & Games / Film Studio Leaks "Major Grom: The Game" as Anti-Piracy Experiment
19 Jul 2024

Recently, the film "Major Grom: The Game" was uploaded online just a few days after its official release. However, instead of the anticipated movie, viewers were met with an extended lecture on the harms of piracy delivered by the main character. This incident was reported by the Telegram channel Mash on Tuesday, May 28.

Unexpected Twist in the Release

According to Mash, the leaked copy of the film was uploaded to torrent sites by the studio that created it. A representative from Bubble, the studio behind the film, stated, "This is a social experiment that demonstrated the vulnerability of legal content to pirates."

Political Reactions and Recommendations

Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council, has urged the public to use foreign online cinema services and similar platforms that have exited the Russian market for free. Medvedev believes that this approach could inflict damage on these companies. He noted that although he previously had a negative view of piracy, the current circumstances have significantly altered his perspective.

Legislative Proposals

In a related development, Sultan Khamzaev, a member of the State Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, suggested that cinemas should be required to direct payments from Western films not to their rights holders, but to a fund supporting participants in special operations.

Update: 19 Jul 2024