Super Tiny Football: A New Casual Take on American Football
Super Tiny Football is a newly released game from SMT that offers a casual take on American football. An offence-only style game, which means you won't be on the defence, you'll build your team and facilities as you shoot for the championship. It's out now on Android, so let's dig in and find out more!
Firstly, offence-only, that's unusual, no? Well given how much of the football game focuses on offence it's not all that unusual. And despite this concession to keep it appealing to all ages, as I mentioned above it includes team-building mechanics like drafting and scouting, the building of training facilities and more!
And the best part? Super Tiny Football is a premium game, great for older players who just want to pay a one-time price and jump into the fun, or judicious parents looking for a game that won't break the bank for their kids to play.
Hail Mary Pass
Admittedly, in terms of casual American football simulators, Super Tiny Football is coming up against stiff competition in the form of other ultra-casual games like NFL Retro 'Bowl 25. However, I reckon for younger players or those who want something a little simpler this will suit them perfectly.
Oh, and as an addendum, did you know the folks behind this also helped create the yellow first down line still used in American football broadcasts to this day? The more you know.
But in the meantime, if you're looking for other great games to play, but don't know where to start, why not dig into some of our picks from the best mobile games of 2024 (so far)?
Better yet, you can always take a gander at our other list of the top 25 free-to-play games on iOS and Android! Featuring the best picks of games that won't break the bank!
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