Valve's Deadlock Playtest Sees Surge in Player Participation

Apps & Games / Desktop / Windows / Valve's Deadlock Playtest Sees Surge in Player Participation
17 Aug 2024

Valve is employing a rather intriguing strategy with its forthcoming MOBA shooter, Deadlock. Despite the game remaining officially unannounced, the company has quietly begun inviting thousands of Steam users to participate in a closed playtest. This clandestine approach has generated considerable buzz, as players are instructed to maintain silence about their experiences. Yet, the internet is abuzz with gameplay videos and discussion threads, revealing that a significant number of players are engaging with Deadlock daily.

Growing Player Base

As the playtest continues, the volume of invitations appears to be increasing, suggesting that Valve is keen to expand its player base. In early August, Deadlock achieved an impressive milestone, boasting 18,000 concurrent players. Just a week later, that number surged to over 34,000, indicating a growing interest in the game.

How to Join the Deadlock Playtest

For those eager to join the ranks of players exploring Deadlock, keeping a vigilant eye on Steam notifications and the email linked to your account is essential. As seen in previous playtests, such as with CS:GO during the Counter-Strike 2 trial last year, patience is key. The odds of receiving an invitation improve with each passing day, making it worthwhile to stay alert for any communication from Valve.

What is the best deadlock?

In computer science, there is no "best" deadlock since deadlock is generally a condition to be avoided. Deadlock occurs when two or more processes are unable to proceed because each is waiting for the other to release a resource. It is considered detrimental in most cases as it can halt system performance. Deadlocks are typically resolved through resource scheduling, detection, and prevention techniques rather than being considered beneficial.

How do you create a deadlock scenario programmatically in java?

Creating a deadlock scenario in Java typically involves multiple threads and synchronized resources. Here's a basic example: public class Deadlock { private final Object resource1 = new Object(); private final Object resource2 = new Object(); public void method1() { synchronized (resource1) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {} synchronized (resource2) { System.out.println("Method1"); } } } public void method2() { synchronized (resource2) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {} synchronized (resource1) { System.out.println("Method2"); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { Deadlock deadlock = new Deadlock(); new Thread(deadlock::method1).start(); new Thread(deadlock::method2).start(); } } This code creates two threads that lock two resources in opposite order, leading to deadlock.
Update: 17 Aug 2024