Quidditch Champions Could Pave Way for Hogwarts Legacy Sequel Integration

Apps & Games / Desktop / Windows / Quidditch Champions Could Pave Way for Hogwarts Legacy Sequel Integration
06 Sep 2024

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions - A Prelude to Hogwarts Legacy 2?

After engaging with Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions, it becomes apparent that this title may serve as a precursor to the anticipated sequel of Hogwarts Legacy. Initially, one might speculate that Warner Bros. Games intended to market two separate experiences to capitalize on the Harry Potter franchise. However, with Hogwarts Legacy achieving remarkable sales in 2023, the integration of Quidditch into a sequel seems not just likely but essential. The allure of Quidditch as an upsell for gamers is undeniable.

Yet, for Quidditch to find its place in Hogwarts Legacy 2, the gameplay experience presented in Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions requires refinement. While the game offers bursts of excitement, it can often feel overwhelming, leaving players grappling with its intricate mechanics. Below, I will outline my observations regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the game.

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Positives

  • Explainer – The game effectively introduces players to the complexities of Quidditch through informative videos and guided tutorials for each position, including Chaser, Beater, Keeper, and Seeker. This foundational knowledge is crucial, as each role possesses distinct abilities and movesets.
  • Mechanics – The core mechanics are straightforward: players navigate their broomsticks to seize the Quaffle, either passing it to teammates or attempting to score directly. Successfully shooting the Quaffle through one of three goal rings, defended by the opposing Keeper, secures points for the team.
  • Customisation – Players can personalize their Quidditch team members, selecting from a range of facial features, hairstyles, and outfits, including custom broomsticks. Options reflecting the traditional Hogwarts houses allow for creative team compositions.
  • Presentation – The game boasts an appealing main menu and offers various modes, including Campaign, Multiplayer, Exhibition, and Open Practice, catering to diverse player preferences.
  • Performance – The game runs smoothly even on older hardware, maintaining a consistent 60fps. This accessibility ensures that a broader audience can enjoy the experience without needing high-end gaming rigs.

Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions Negatives

  • Overload – Despite completing the tutorials, the gameplay can be overwhelming, with numerous players and fast-paced action making it challenging to track the Quaffle and teammates effectively. The directional arrows and colored rings intended to assist players can contribute to the chaos rather than alleviate it.
  • Handling – The character controls can feel cumbersome, particularly when switching between positions. Quick reactions are often hindered by the need for precise button combinations, leading to missed opportunities during critical moments.
  • Roleplay – The enjoyment derived from different roles varies significantly. While playing as a Chaser is exhilarating, roles like Beater and Keeper may lack the excitement one would expect, with limited interaction and impact on the game.
  • Seeker – The Seeker role, responsible for capturing the Golden Snitch, lacks depth. The mechanics for pursuing the Snitch feel simplistic, reducing the thrill associated with this pivotal position.
  • Fun factor – The overall enjoyment of Quidditch in this format may only resonate with dedicated fans, as the gameplay experience feels more suited for short sessions rather than extended play.

At a price point of $39.99/£29.99 on various platforms, Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions offers a mixed bag of experiences. While it lays a solid foundation for what could be an exciting addition to Hogwarts Legacy 2, it also highlights areas that need significant improvement to capture the true magic of Quidditch.

Update: 06 Sep 2024