Businesses Face Growing Cybercrime Threat from Ransomware and Hackers

Apps & Games / Desktop / Windows / Businesses Face Growing Cybercrime Threat from Ransomware and Hackers
12 Jun 2024

Ransomware attackers prey on panic and fear once you realize your critical files are inaccessible. While stress is at an all-time high, they demand ridiculous sums of money. In 2020, the average payment cybercriminals demanded was $8,000, Coveware research found. If that weren’t scary enough, you could still be cheated even if you do pay. You might feel optimistic and hope that the hackers will hold up their end of the bargain once you’ve drained your bank account. Unfortunately, that’s just wishful thinking.

The Sophos State of Ransomware reports that only 56% of data gets restored after paying the ransom. That means you should never pay if a ransomware attack hits your system. There’s no denying the ubiquity of cybercrime in today’s digital world. To make matters worse, their techniques improve every day.

Hackers are getting smarter

Here’s more detail on how ransomware works. Hackers break into your computer, ransack all your files and programs, and encrypt everything. You won’t be able to access any of it. It’s a total violation of your work and your personal life.

Now, criminals have beefed up their techniques. They’ve invented a method called double encryption. That’s when they encrypt your data twice at once. By layering two types of ransomware on top of one another, they’re tricking you into paying double the original ransomware amount. Let’s say they demand $1,000 to decrypt your data. The hackers lift the first layer, only for you to find the second layer. To finally get your data back, they demand another $1,000. Just like that, they’re two times richer, and you’re robbed of your money and pride. Bottom line: Don’t expect hackers to show mercy.

Lower-level attacks are getting more difficult to spot, too. Spoofed websites look just like the real version you’re looking for, down to the logos and fonts. The only difference? The forms you fill out shuttle your info right into the greedy hands of cybercriminals. Spam emails and texts continue to become more convincing. Gone are the days when scams were packed with red flags you’d notice. Since these clever criminals constantly create new scams to steal your money, you need a powerful antivirus program to protect your gadgets.

Your computer’s built-in defenses aren’t enough

Take a second to consider all the sensitive information stored on your computer and smartphone. You probably have tax forms, bank details, medical paperwork and more. These are essential items you can’t afford to lose. Then there’s the cost of replacing a computer that is inundated with pop-ups, malware you can’t remove, and the other junk that comes with getting hacked.

Listeners often ask Kim for her antivirus recommendation. After looking over the top industry options, she stands by TotalAV. Here are a few reasons why it’s the best option:

  • It works on all your devices: All your gadgets need equal protection. TotalAV has you covered, whether you use a PC, Mac, iPhone or Android. Its all-in-one security software works across all your platforms.
  • It makes your tech run more efficiently: TotalAV can improve your smartphone, computer or tablet’s performance. Since it removes junk files, it can clear up extra space. It can also reduce background processes, improving your battery life.
  • It busts shady websites ahead of time: When surfing the web, shady sites put you in a ton of danger. A single wrong click could infect your computer with malware. TotalAV stops you before you swim into these shark-infested waters.
  • It gives you firewall protection: These are essential for protecting your computer. Otherwise, hackers could enter your system through an exposed networking port.
Update: 12 Jun 2024