Gloomwood Adds Early 1900s Style Cutscenes, New Enemy, and Gameplay Updates

Apps & Games / Desktop / Gloomwood Adds Early 1900s Style Cutscenes, New Enemy, and Gameplay Updates
26 Aug 2024

Gloomwood, the highly anticipated immersive sim from New Blood Interactive, continues to captivate audiences with its innovative developments. The game, inspired by the classic Thief series, has recently announced an intriguing addition: cutscenes. This revelation was shared by Gloomwood creator Dillon Rogers on Twitter, where he expressed his enthusiasm for the new feature. He noted that the cutscenes will be presented in a distinctive early 1900s animated horror style, enhancing the game’s atmospheric storytelling.

New Features and Player Reactions

In a video accompanying the announcement, players were introduced to the “fishdog” enemy, which players will encounter a few hours into the game. However, this addition has sparked a mix of reactions within the gaming community. Some players have voiced their preference for a seamless experience, reminiscent of the original Thief gameplay, while others have raised concerns that these cinematics might detract from the element of surprise that Gloomwood aims to deliver.

Rogers has addressed these concerns with a thoughtful response. He reassured fans that while the initial cinematic reveals the fishdog, future cutscenes may only hint at upcoming threats by showcasing their shadows or sounds. For those who wish to maintain an uninterrupted immersion, Rogers indicated that an option to skip cutscenes will likely be implemented.

This latest feature is just one of many enhancements announced by New Blood this year. Earlier in February, the developers introduced new rat AI, allowing the game’s virtual rodents to actively seek out cheese, adding a layer of realism to the environment. In March, a progress update unveiled a new weapon: a harpoon gun, which promises to diversify gameplay mechanics. By June, players were treated to the first part of the Underport area, named the Power Station, which is reportedly larger than the previously released Market District.

While a definitive release date for Gloomwood remains elusive, it is clear that New Blood is committed to refining their vision for the game. The complexity of developing immersive sims is well-known, and the dedication of Rogers and his team suggests that they are taking the necessary time to ensure a polished final product. As anticipation builds, it seems likely that fans will continue to receive updates and surprises from the Gloomwood team throughout 2024.

Update: 26 Aug 2024