Google Keep Adds Multi-Account Support for Foldables, Large Android Devices

Apps & Games / Mobile / Android / Google Keep Adds Multi-Account Support for Foldables, Large Android Devices
03 Jul 2024

After introducing the ability to create two Google Keep notes side-by-side on large-screen Android devices, the search giant announced another nifty feature for the note-taking app. People utilizing the Google Keep app on large Android devices like foldable phones can now use multiple accounts side-by-side with the note-taking app. Imagine having two Google accounts and simultaneously having two different Google Keep accounts linked to them, and you might probably use them for different purposes. The new update allows users to view their accounts on a large Android screen and also works around them.

Multi-Account Support in Split Mode

The shared gif in the post further demonstrates how easy it is to use multiple accounts on Google Keep when projected in the multi-window mode. Users can change their accounts in the Keep app by hitting their profile picture, similar to changing accounts in the Gmail app or any other Google app. This new feature is a nifty addition to the previous multi-instance support for Google Keep that rolled out last year for large-screen Android devices.

Google says the new productivity update is rolling out to Rapid Release and Scheduled Release domains. It will be available for all Google Workspace customers, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and consumers who use their personal Google accounts.

Enhanced Productivity Features

The new feature comes in handy and goes hand-in-hand with the recent window resize feature, which was spotted in the Google Keep app. The ability to resize windows on the note-taking app has been the most requested feature from users, and it was found testing early last month hidden under a flag. Previously, the ability to resize the window was available for the Google Calendar app.

With these updates, Google Keep continues to evolve as a powerful tool for productivity, especially for users of foldable phones and large-screen Android devices. The addition of multi-account support in split mode not only enhances user experience but also opens up new possibilities for managing notes and tasks more efficiently.

Update: 03 Jul 2024