Google Pixel 8 Pro Introduces Built-In Thermometer for Object Temperature

Apps & Games / Mobile / Android / Google Pixel 8 Pro Introduces Built-In Thermometer for Object Temperature
10 Jul 2024

Google Pixel 8 Pro: A Thermometer in Your Pocket

Google Pixel fans can now use their phones to take temperature readings of objects, including their bodies. The Google Pixel 8 Pro comes equipped with a built-in thermometer application that can measure the temperature of nearly any object.

The technology utilizes a sensor located on the back of the phone, near the camera in the top right corner. Taking advantage of this feature is as simple as pointing your phone at an object and tapping the screen.

To use the Pixel Thermometer app, open the app and select “Object Temperature.” Then, choose the material of the object you wish to measure. Options such as “food,” “beverages,” and “shiny metal” are pre-programmed for your convenience.

Position the sensor approximately five centimeters from the object for accurate results, adjusting as needed for smaller objects. Tap the screen to initiate the measurement, and the reading should appear onscreen within seconds.

Google advises users to exercise caution when measuring the temperature of hot or cold objects. For instance, when measuring the temperature of a warm beverage or boiling water, wait for steam to dissipate before using the app.

Factors Affecting Accuracy

It is important to note that no technology is flawless, and the precision of a reading depends on various factors. Proximity to temperature limits, material selection, object size, and the temperature difference between the object and the sensor can all impact accuracy.

Emissivity, or an object’s energy radiation, also plays a role in temperature readings. To minimize errors, users can utilize the app’s features such as material selection to determine an object’s emissivity and obtain more accurate results.

One of the app’s standout features is its ability to measure body temperature, a function approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. By holding the phone to your forehead and moving it towards your temple, you can easily monitor your body temperature.

Official Google Pixel Battery Tips

For Pixel owners looking to maximize their battery life, Google offers the following tips:

  • Let the phone close apps you’re not using.
  • Keep your phone and apps up to date to improve battery efficiency.
  • Turn down the brightness and consider using Dark theme to save power and reduce eye strain.
  • Identify power-hungry apps and activities, such as video calls and gaming, and close unused apps to conserve battery.

How do you calibrate a thermometer for food applications?

To calibrate a thermometer for food applications, use either the ice-point method or the boiling-point method. For the ice-point method, submerge the thermometer in a cup of crushed ice and water for about 30 seconds, ensuring it reads 32°F (0°C). For the boiling-point method, place the thermometer in boiling water for at least one minute; it should read 212°F (100°C). Adjust the thermometer as necessary according to the manufacturer's instructions. Regular calibration ensures accurate temperature readings for safe food preparation.
Update: 10 Jul 2024